What are some unknown psychological tricks?


Psychological tricks can offer intriguing insights into human behavior and can be useful in various situations. While some may be familiar with popular psychological techniques, there are lesser-known tricks that can yield interesting results. Here are a few such tricks worth exploring.

  • The Power of Mirroring: Mirroring is a technique where you subtly imitate someone's body language, gestures, or tone of voice. By doing so, you can establish a connection and build rapport with the other person. Mirroring can create a sense of familiarity and comfort, making the person more receptive to your communication.
  • The Contrast Principle: Utilizing the contrast principle involves presenting options in a strategic order to influence decision-making. By introducing a less desirable option before the preferred choice, the latter appears more appealing by comparison. This technique leverages the way our minds perceive differences, increasing the likelihood of choosing the preferred option.
  • The Zeigarnik Effect: The Zeigarnik Effect states that uncompleted or interrupted tasks are better remembered than completed ones. To make something memorable, intentionally provide incomplete information or leave a task unfinished. This triggers a sense of cognitive tension, encouraging the individual to remember and seek closure by revisiting or completing the task.

 These lesser-known psychological tricks provide fascinating insights into human behavior and can be applied in various contexts. Mirroring can enhance rapport and connection, the contrast principle can influence decision-making, and the Zeigarnik Effect can aid in memory retention. However, it's important to use these techniques ethically and with respect for others. Understanding these psychological tricks can offer a new perspective on human behavior and provide tools for effective communication and influence.


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